Author: admin

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English Maths #Information Technology Study Make IT Click and BT Skills

Can u help We need people to take part in Google Make IT Click and BT Skills for Tomorrow, reqs 30 minutes and we can advise what to learn via online email

Ask Google

“Content is King”

Would u like to learn more about Writing content, Computer skills, Video making, Social Media management With Google Make IT Click you can learn about Photography picture to be added

Student Manager Events update

it’s been a difficult couple of months and it is sure to carry on for sometime more, we have PC remote access you can continue your training without leaving your home, work on your CV. We are here on Mtrain meetups at regular times as before, always free for a chat about anything.

Enroll with ELearning Academy

Launched in UK Promotion week of Make IT Click developed by Good things Foundation and Funded by Google

More From JobnetworkBristol soon

Website in development

Improve your confidence

Start one of our courses also confidence ebooks and audio available

Enjoy Training videos

Many training videos including Google Make IT Click

Learn Photo skills with Google Make IT Click

Photo skills now added to Google Make IT Click directory of learning resources

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